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EBRD loans 4 million Euro to Ukraine pharma company

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is working on a loan for a pharmaceutical company based in Ukraine. The LLC NVK Ecopharm company has recently been awarded a loan of close to 4 million EUR (3,8 million EUR), by the EBRD. The pharma company based in Ukraine needs the European loan to finish […]

E-commerce market on a roll in the Czech Republic

The market for online commerce has seen a significant increase in recent years, bringing more business opportunities to countries such as the Czech Republic. According to an analysis on the e-commerce market, 2015 is responsible for record sales in the Czech Republic. The year’s turnover for online shopping reached sums of around 81 billion CZK (2,99 […]

GEFCO handles large portion of automotive logistics in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian subsidiary of the GEFCO Group, GEFCO Bulgaria, is currently engaged in automotive logistics inside the country, being responsible for a large portion of its automotive business. According to data from the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, in 2015, the company managed to transport nearly 50,000 vehicles inside Bulgaria, with 10,750 of them being reserved […]